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Rabbanakul Avezov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher.

Avezov R.R., a scientist known in the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad in the field of thermal conversion and the use of solar energy. Born on March 8, 1942. In 1965, he graduated with honors from the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics with a degree in physics and fundamentals of industrial production. In 1971 he defended his thesis, in 1990 - Doctor's thesis on "Improving the efficiency of using low-potential solar heaters in heat supply systems" at the State Research Power Engineering Institute (ENIN, Moscow) in the specialty "Conversion of renewable energy and installation on their basis. "

         In 1994, assigned the value of the professor in the same specialty. From 1963 to 1966 he worked as a laboratory assistant at a visual observation station of artificial earth satellites; in 1966-1977 He underwent scientific training at the Physicotechnical Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan under the leadership of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan V.A. Baum. In 1967 he entered and in 1970 graduated from the graduate school at the Physicotechnical Institute (FTI) of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan with a degree in Renewable Energy. He has gone from a senior engineer to the head of the Low-Potential Solar Thermal Installations of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan founded by him. Since 2015 until 2017, he worked part-time at the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan and MISE as chief research officer, and since January 2017 he has been working at MISE, in whose education he actively participated as a local independent expert of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on the creation of MISE.

The main areas of research are:

- development of scientific bases for thermal calculation and optimization of parameters of low-potential solar thermal installations;

- search for ways to improve the efficiency of using flat solar collectors in heating systems;

- thermal optimization of design and operating parameters of solar water-heating collectors intended for heating systems of residential, municipal, social facilities and industrial enterprises;

- circuit thermal optimization and justification of the parameters of solar-fuel hot water systems;

- modeling of thermal processes occurring in flat solar collectors for heating liquids and gases;

- development and implementation of accelerated methods for thermal testing of flat solar water-heating collectors in quasi-stationary natural conditions;

- accumulation of solar thermal energy in solar heating systems; simulation of non-stationary thermal regime of short-term heat accumulators of hot water supply systems;

- exergic optimization of the temperature regime of solar thermal power converters with flat collectors and parabolic cylindrical radiation concentrators;

- improving the energy efficiency of residential buildings;

- simulation of thermal processes in the system "radar absorbing panel-translucent coating" taking into account partial absorption and conversion into heat of solar radiation passing through the translucent coating flat solar collectors;

- active solar heating systems; modeling of their thermal conditions;

- passive solar heating systems with short-term heat accumulators that combine the solar radiation collector; insolation passive systems and their thermal modeling;

- energy efficient window blocks for insolation passive solar heating systems;

- the use of solar energy in agricultural production (drying vegetables and fruits, heating greenhouses and greenhouses, desalination of solar water);

- environmental aspects of solar energy use.

The scientific activities of Professor Avezov RR closely related to the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of thermal conversion and the use of solar energy. Under his leadership, 18 candidate and more than 10 master's theses on the specialties theoretical foundations of heat engineering, industrial heat and power engineering and power plants based on renewable types of energy are protected. One of his students, S. Batmunkh, is now an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Mongolian People’s Republic, a renowned expert in the field of power engineering.

Avezov R.R. from 1993 to 2005, academic secretary, deputy chairman of the Specialized Council for the Defense of Doctoral Theses under the Institute of Physics and Technology, National Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission on Energy of Uzbekistan.

In 2011-2012 was a local independent expert of the Asian Development Bank on the organization and formation of the structure of the International Solar Energy Institute in Uzbekistan.

Rabbanakul Avezov from 1975 to the present is a member of the editorial board of the International Scientific Journal "Heliotech" (reprinted by Allerton Press in the United States in English, the journal "Applied Solar Energy"), including during 2000-2013. - was his executive secretary).

Professor Avezov R.R. , on a voluntary basis, he has been giving an in-depth course of lectures on “The Scientific Basis of Thermal Conversion and Solar Energy Use” for young scientists, graduate students and doctoral students, gifted students of universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2013.

Subjects of research and development carried out under the guidance of R.R. Avezova in the framework of fundamental, applied and innovative projects:

1. 2011-2012 International project S-CDTA-7846 "Design and Strengthening of the International Solar Energy Institute (ISEI)".

2. 2014-2015 International project “Development of the Policy for the Development of the Energy Sources in the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

3. 2007-2011 The project of basic research "Study of thermal characteristics of elements of thermal and thermodynamic converters of solar energy."

4. 2012-2016 The project of basic research "Study of thermal and dynamic characteristics of insolation systems of solar heating and thermodynamic converters of solar energy."

6. 2012-2014 scientific and technical project "Development and optimization of the main parameters of the absorption helio-set-top boxes for fuel boilers in seasonal heating systems".

5. 2015-2017 scientific and technical project "Development and implementation of rapid methods for thermal testing and determining the basic thermal parameters of flat solar collectors and absorbers for heating a heat-transfer fluid".


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Adress: Uzbekistan, 100084, Tashkent city, st. Chingiz Aytmatov 2B


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