Appeal of citizens

Saidov Amin Safarbaevich

Amin Safarbaevich Saidov - Head of the Laboratory, Full Professor, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics. 

Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On awarding state prizes of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2007 in the field of science and technology, literature, art, and architecture" for internationally recognized fundamental research "New semiconductor solid solutions and impurity effects of semiconductors".

 He is included in the international encyclopedia of crystallography. 

      He created a scientific direction on the physicochemical basis of the synthesis technology for new semiconductor solid solutions 

IV1-xIVx, (IV2)1-x(A3B5)x, (IV2)1-x(A2B6)x, (IV2)1-x-y(A3B5)x (A2B6)y on silicon substrates, and their homo- and heterostructures. For the first time he detected impurity photovoltaic, thermal-voltaic, phototemplotvoltaic effects, as well as the effect of two-color radiation in a single crystal. Polycrystalline silicon with a purity of 99.9 atomic% was obtained by an ecologically clean method in a small solar furnace by repeated remelting of metallurgical silicon in the open air.

·         Scientific interests: interaction of impurities in diamond-like semiconductors and physical bases for growing silicon, gallium arsenide, aluminum-gallium arsenide, high-resistance, homogeneous and graded band gap, new solid solutions IV1-xIVx, (IV2)1-x(A3B5)x, (IV2)1-x(A2B6)x, (IV2)1-x-y(A3B5)x (A2B6)y on silicon substrates, as well as homo- and heterostructures based on them.

Published 3 monographs, 1 collection of articles, more than 280 scientific articles and 40 patents. Under his leadership, 12 Doctors of Philosophy and 2 doctors of science graduated.



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Adress: Uzbekistan, 100084, Tashkent city, st. Chingiz Aytmatov 2B


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