Обращение граждан

Saidov A. S., Usmonov Sh. N., Saparov D. V. Structural Studies of the Epitaxial Layer of a Substitutional Solid Solution (GaAs)12x(ZnSe)x with Nanocrystals. // Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. V. 2019, Article ID 3932195. P. 9.

In this work, we explored the possibility of growing a substitutional solid solution (GaAs)1-x(ZnSe)x with an ordered array of nanosize crystals on GaAs (100) substrates. Grown epitaxial films were investigated by the X-ray diffraction analysis method. Thee chemical composition of the grown epitaxial films was determined by a X-ray microanalyzer, along the thickness of the epitaxial layer. The photoluminescence spectrum was studied and a peak is observed at λmax= 465 nm, corresponding to the width of the band gap of zinc selenide EZnSe =2.67 eV, which is apparently due to the nanocrystals ZnSe, disposed in the surface region of the epitaxial film of a solid solution (GaAs)1-x(ZnSe)x. Size of nanocrystals were evaluated by an atomic force microscopy.


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