Обращение граждан


Shakhboz Khasanov, Renat Suleymanov, Akmal Safarov, Askar Safarov, Habtamu Menberu Tedila, Ruslan Muratov. Calculation of exposure and absorbed dose at irradiation samples by electron bremsstrahlung

Olimov K., Gulamov K.G., Lutpullaev S.L et al. Partial and full in elasticity coefficients in 16Op-collisions at 3.25 AGeV/ c.

Lednicky R., Lutpullaev S.L., Olimov K.K., et al. Experimental measurement of sizes of emission sources for deuterons and α particles in 16 O- p collisions at 3.25AGeV/c.

Olimov,K.K., Lutpullaev S.L., Yuldashev B.S., et al. Correlations between production of charged pions and formation of light nuclei in 16Op collisions at 3.25AGeV/c.

Olimov K.K., Lutpullaev S.L., Lugovoi V.V., et al. Breakup of oxygen nucleus on isotopes of hydrogen and nitrogen nuclei in collisions with protons at 3.25AGeV/c.

Olimov K.K., Lugovoi V.V., Zarubin P. I., et al. Phenomenological analysis of breakup of Be nuclei in...

Olimov K.K., Lutpullaev S.L., Bazarov E. Kh., et al. Breakup of 16O nucleus onto C and He isotopes by protons at incident momentum of 3.25AGeV/c.

Olimov K.K., Gulamov K.G., Lutpullaev S. L., et al. Partial inelasticity coefficients of negative pions in p, d, α, 12C+12Cand p, 12C+181Ta collisions at 4.2GeV/c per nucleon.

Olimov Kh.K., Lutpullaev S. L., Yuldashev B. S. et al. Centrality and system-size dependencies of temperatures of soft and hard components of pt distributions of negative pions in 4 He+12 C, 12 C+12 C, and 12 C+181 Ta collisio.

Olimov Kh. K., Qasim Ali, Mahnaz Q.Haseeb et al. Phenomenological analysis of rapidity distribution of negative pions in central 12C+12C collisions at √snn =3.14GeV


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