Обращение граждан

Olimov K.K., Lugovoi V.V., Zarubin P. I., et al. Phenomenological analysis of breakup of Be nuclei in...

Phenomenological Monte Carlo model of peripheral interactions of 9Be nuclei with emulsion nuclei at 1.2AGeV with formation of an excited 9Be* nucleus and its subsequent breakup, either directly or through formation of an intermediate 8Be nucleus, into two α-particles and a neutron was constructed. A comparative analysis of the experimental data on angular correlations and momentum spectra of α-particles, coming from a breakup event, with the Monte Carlo model calculations was made. The constructed Monte Carlo model described quite satisfactory the total momentum and transverse momentum distributions of α-particles and the distribution of angles between the total momentum (as well as transverse momentum) vectors of two α-particles in 9Be* nucleus breakup events in experiment.


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