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Cyber Gym Ltd.

Cyber Gym Ltd.

CYBERGYM is a joint venture of the Israel Electric Corporation, a 7.7 billion USD company that faces countless cyberattacks on a daily basis, and Cyber Control, Israel’s leading cybersecurity consultancy established by ex-NISA operatives and security experts.
CYBERGYM conducts cyber-warfare readiness training for governmental and private enterprises. It focuses on the weakest link in any emergency response system – the people who run it.
CYBERGYM has developed a unique integrated Cyber Training and Technologies Arena for critical infrastructure organizations. The Arena facilitates testing systems, processes and people against cyberattacks, and preparing employees for responding to and fending off real-time cyberattacks on complex, wide-spread systems and sensitive infrastructures. The training enables organizations to enhance their policies and processes and adjust their Cyber Threat Model to their specific environment.
Using CYBERGYM’s Training and Technologies Arena and cutting-edge technology, we deliver a state-of-the-art training experience to diverse trainees from different critical infrastructure sectors and with different levels of knowledge.
CYBERGYM’s approach is unique in emphasizing the importance of hardening the human factor protecting against cyber threats, through individually tailored training delivered in a dedicated cyber training and technologies Arena.


Phone: +99871 235 93 61

Fax: +998712354291


Adress: Uzbekistan, 100084, Tashkent city, st. Chingiz Aytmatov 2B


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