Fuqarolar murojaati

Rabbonokul Rakhmanovich Avezov, Nilufar Rabbanakulovna Avezova, Ergashali Yuldashevich Rakhimov, Muradbek Artikaliyevich Kuralov, Insolating Passive Heating Systems of Premises with Three-Layer Energy Active Translucent Enclosure and Short-Term Heat Accum

In this article is proposed the insolation passive heating system of premises with an energy-active three-layer translucent enclosure and short-term phase-change heat accumulators, enabling to increase their efficiency to 5-10%, as well as the results of calculation studies on determining of the heat capacity of short-term phase-change heat accumulators.
Keywords: solar energy; energy active translucent enclosures; phase-change heat storing materials; phasechange heat accumulator.

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