Fuqarolar murojaati

Laboratoriya nashrlari

T.M. Razykov, G.S. Boltaev, A. Bosio, B. Ergashev, K.M. Kouchkarov, N.K. Mamarasulov, A.A. Mavlonov, A. Romeo, N. Romeo, O.M. Tursunkulov, R. Yuldoshov Characterisation of SnSe thin films fabricated by chemical molecular beam deposition for use in thin fi

T.M. Razykov, K.M. Kuchkarov, B.A. Ergashev, C.S. Ferekides, R.T. Yuldoshov, N. Mamarasulov and M.A. Zufarov. Characterization of CdTe thin films of different compositions obtained by CMBD for thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Journal V.144, 2017, p.p.4

T.M. Razykov, K.M. Kouchkarov, Chris Ferekides, B.A. Ergashev, R.T. Yoldashev. Research of the Morphological and Structural Properties of CdTe Films Obtained by Chemical Molecular Beam Deposition for Thin Film Solar Cells. Applied Solar Energy, 2015, Vol.

T. M. Razykov, K. M. Kuchkarov, B.A. Ergashev, R. T. Yuldoshov. Study of the physical properties of CdTe_based thin_film solar cells produced on metal substrates by the method of chemical molecular beam deposition. Applied Solar Energy, 2015, Vol. 51, No.

Т.М. Разыков, К.М. Кучкаров, Б.А. Эргашев, Р.Т. Йулдошов. Влияние собственных точечных дефектов на электропроводимость поглотителя слоя CdTe, полученных методом ХМПО, для пленочных солнечных элементов. УФЖ 2015, Vol17, №6, стр.382-385.

Т.М. Разыков, К.М. Кучкаров, Б.А. Эргашев, Р.Т. Йулдошов. Морфологические и электрические свойства пленок CdTe различного состава, осажденных на молибденовой подложке методом ХМПО. УФЖ, Vol.16. №6, pp.434-437, 2014.

T.M. Razykov, N.Amin, M.Alghoul, B.Ergashev, C.S. Ferekides, Y.Goswami, M.K.Hakkulov, K.M.Kouchkarov, K.Sopian, M.Y.Sulaiman, H.S. Ullal, Revolutionary novel and low cost CMBD method for fabrication of CdTe absorber layer for use in thin film solar cel

Razykov, T.M., Amin, N., Ergashev, B., Ferekides, C.S., Goswami, D.Y., Kouchkarov, K.M., K.Sopian, Ullal, H.S., Effect of CdCl2 treatment on physical properties of CdTe films with different compositions fabricated by chemical molecular beam deposition,

Md. Sharafat Hossain, Mahmud Abdul Matin, M A Islam, Mohammad Mannir Aliyu, Takhir Razykov, Kamaruzzaman Sopian and Nowshad Amin. Towards ultra-thin and high efficiency ZnxCd1-xS/CdTe solar cell by AMPS 1D. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 622-623 (2013)

A.A.Lahimer, M.A.Alghoul, F.Yousif, T.M.Razykov, N.Amin, K.Sopian, Research and development aspects on decentralized electrification options for rural household, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 24 , pp. 314-324.

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